Bowers&Wilkins 805 D4 Signature Model Unveiled
805 D4 Signature
The 805 D4 Signature stand-mount loudspeaker features optimized technologies, including that all-important Diamond Dome tweeter and Solid Body Tweeter-on-Top, an all-new tweeter grille, and an upgraded crossover.
Diamond Dome tweeter
One of our most significant accomplishments over the past two decades, the ultra-stiff, supremely accurate Diamond Dome tweeter is the perfect combination of low mass, exceptional stiffness, and outstanding accuracy. Fifteen years after we introduced it, we haven't found a better tweeter dome technology.
All-new tweeter grille
Our Solid Body Tweeter-on-Top housing features an elongated form with a longer tube-loading system and an all-new design of the tweeter grille, producing an even more free and open sound with high frequencies.
Upgraded crossover
Our 805 D4 Signature uses upgraded rear-mounted crossover designs mounted on stiff aluminum spines. This isolates the sensitive capacitors from the unwanted effects of air pressure within the enclosure and makes for a very effective heatsink to ensure optimum performance when in use.
Continuum™ Cone
Thanks to its composite construction, the Continuum™ Cone avoids abrupt transitions in behavior that can impair the performance of a conventional drive unit. The result is a more open, neutral performance from the 805 D4 Signature. Voices and instruments can be heard with precision and transparency.
